Prepare your lawn for spring

Posted by | February 1, 2015 | Lawn Care | No Comments

Christmas is over, so is January and there may be little signs of spring in your garden: daffodils poking upwards, snowdrops blooming bravely and lawns looking, well, to put it politely, mossy.

The lawn needs attention for the coming seasons, just as your perennials, shrubs and borders do.

The Lawn Healer can sort that moss out – and if you take advantage before the 1st April 2015 – I’m not joking – I’ll take 10% off the cost.

Who goes out in the garden in winter?

Come on be honest! Not many of us. We might pop out to wheel the bins out or replenish bird feeders or to let our pets out, but garden maintenance in winter? Not many of you, I can guess. The weather isn’t inviting enough to wander lawns and survey borders – we’ll happily do that in the heady days of July, but in December or January, thanks but no thanks.

Neglect is the winter watch word. People neglect the garden – I’m sure some don’t – but most will. That council garden bin is not used like in summer or autumn – in fact some weeks I see neighbours of mine not putting theirs out for emptying.

The lawn though is not a fan of neglect – yes the advice is to keep off it in winter so as not to compress it, but winter is waving goodbye and spring is showing up, quietly but perceptibly.

 So what to do with the lawn?

Your lawn will need scarifying and aerating. Autumn and winter neglect takes its toll on turf. We can scarify it to leave the grass able to take advantage of increasing light and warmth levels to look its best later this year.  Aeration allows the damp, compressed turf to breathe again after its winter slumber.

 What about borders?

As well as tending to your lawn, now is the time to get us to tend to your borders – those shrubs, hedges and trees will soon be springing back into life, casting shade over the lawn that is crying out for increased light. We can cut back nuisance trees, hedges and shrubs to an appropriate size and shape.

These new perfect frameworks will allow them all to generate new growth and give your lawn and you and your family more natural light. Scarifying, aerating, pruning will give your garden a new lease of life.

We can even apply fertilisers and feeds to help your garden look beautiful in 2015.

 Why not get in touch?

We can discuss all your lawn and garden requirements and put together a tailored plan to make your garden the perfect place to be in spring and summer. Go on, get in touch with the Lawn Healer today.

Your garden will thank you this summer.